Is it possible to get two higher legal educations? Free second higher education – benefits and opportunities for Russian students

According to Russian legislation, citizens of our country have the right to receive once higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations. On a paid basis, the number of higher education obtained is not limited. Therefore, if you decide to get two higher educations at the same time, know that one of them can be provided to you for free. For the second you will have to pay - calculate your financial capabilities

Option 1: after receiving Unified State Exam results enroll full-time in two faculties at once, both in one university and in different ones. But there are difficulties here. Firstly, it is unlikely that you will be able to attend all the classes and, most likely, you will have problems passing the session. Secondly, you will graduate in one year. Write one diploma for many difficult task, and here there are two at once. Therefore, it is better to use the second option.

Option 2: enroll simultaneously full-time and part-time. This way you will practically eliminate difficulties with attendance. You will definitely finish your studies in more than one year, because... Bachelors study by correspondence for a year longer. And in principle, the load will not be so strong.

Option 3: As a rule, the first year of study at a university is seriously stressful for students. We have to get used to the new environment and rules. Therefore, some students advise completing their first year at one faculty, adapting to student life, and enrolling in another major the following year.

After finishing the first year, I decided to somehow use my numerous results and enrolled in a management correspondence course; the points were enough for the budget. There were no problems with arrival. Since my certificate is at the university, I simply made a certified copy of it and took it to the admissions office. I don't regret it. The correspondence session takes place during the semester at the main place of study, and students have to take a fair amount of time off work for 2-3 weeks. However general subjects, such as philosophy, martial arts and foreign languages ​​can be re-credited if they have already been passed. Because of this, the volume of the session can be greatly reduced,” says UrFU student Pavel Karpov.

Option 4: You can ask if the university has dual degree programs. For example, UrFU offers to receive two bachelor's degrees in economics after four years of study - UrFU and the National Research University Higher School of Economics. First the student for three years studies at UrFU, and last year at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Option 5: obtain a bachelor's degree, and then study for a master's degree in another specialty, at another university, and even in another country. Classic version and the easiest to perform.

In the Law “On Education” Russian Federation” it is said that there is no free education in Russia, except for budget revenues. However, there are benefits under which an applicant can receive higher education for free.

Tuition is paid both by the students themselves and by organizations that send employees to study in order to improve their skills.

The payment amount depends on:

Individual training plan. To obtain a second higher education, the student retakes some disciplines. If the number of exams is high, then a fixed amount is paid, which is initially specified in the contract, regardless of the number of disciplines. Also depending on the number of hours (how many hours the student studied, how much he paid). Such rules are also prescribed in the contract.

The proposed form of training. These could be: daytime; correspondence and evening.

All of the above factors have different tuition costs. For many applicants, the payment process is important, since you can pay the entire amount at once, by semester or for each month of study.

Citizens who:

  • received their first diploma in the military educational institution. Then you can go to university budgetary basis and this is stated in the law “On the Status of Military Personnel.”
  • Signed a contract and served in the army for at least 15 years. Such citizens have the right to a second higher education, and it does not matter what profession or specialty they had before.
  • Graduate students who received a specialized creative specialty at the first university. These could be: the Russian University of Theater Arts (GITIS), the Academy for the Development of Education in the Field of Culture and Art ( Russian Academy music named after GNESIN, Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, etc.

In addition, many preferential categories have the right to write an application for a reduction in fees for a second higher education. These could be combatants (in hot spots); citizens who took part in the liquidation of the consequences Chernobyl accident(Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant); some people who received honors.

Important! Citizens who have benefits for free education, do not have the right to shorten the period of study. A diploma can only be obtained when the full course of study has been completed.

How to get a second higher education for free without benefits

If you are not one of the beneficiaries mentioned in the law, do not despair, as there are other ways to obtain a free second higher education. To do this, consider two guaranteed methods:

Method one: payment by the employer. Often, an enterprise lacks valuable personnel and therefore, if an employee has proven himself to be a highly qualified specialist in a certain field, he is sent for additional training. After all, then the management will be able to offer the employee more promising job with appropriate payment. At the same time, the employer takes full responsibility for financing the training. However, the employee must work for the company for at least 5 years.

Important! It is worth considering the fact that if the employer pays for training for an employee, an agreement is concluded that states how many years after receiving the diploma the person must work for the company. If a student leaves the university on his own initiative or is expelled from the university, the student is obliged to pay compensation to the authorities in the amount that was paid for training.

Method two: receiving a grant. There are many funds where you can receive a grant for study, regardless of the number of diplomas that the student already has. However, you will need to prove that you are worthy of the grant.

Admission to master's programs on a budget basis

Master's degree is a level of higher education vocational education, which comes after the bachelor’s degree, that is, the level of qualifications increases based on the first education. The student has the right to enroll in a master's program on a budget basis.

If a student has incomplete higher education (only three courses have been completed), then you can enroll in another specialty for free, but studies begin from the first year.

Backup options for obtaining a second higher education

If for some reason the above methods do not suit you, then you can “cheat” a little. There are two options for this:

First: It is necessary to show the admissions committee a diploma of first education, and simply submit the documents that are required from schoolchildren, this also includes a certificate. Now you can apply to the budget on the same basis as other applicants.

Second: receive two degrees at the same time. Study full-time at one university, and part-time at another. Thus, the student will receive two diplomas almost at the same time.

Second higher education at half price

If you still can’t study for free, try to at least reduce the amount. There are the following options for this:

  1. Payment for training in half with the employer. If the company really needs such specialists, the management will make concessions and help them obtain a specialty in a certain area.
  2. Studying is carried out by correspondence, since its cost is much cheaper than a day hospital.
  3. Studying in another city. As a rule, in each city or region, the amount of tuition for the same specialty differs significantly.


As you can see from the article, it is quite possible to get a second degree for free. It is not necessary to have special benefits or seek a grant. It all depends on the student himself, his desires and capabilities.

Free second higher education – benefits and opportunities for Russian students updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Higher education is not uncommon now, as it was in the time of our grandparents. Most schoolchildren go to universities after finishing school. To get more or less Good work, to achieve a promotion, it is now mandatory to have a higher education. Therefore, there is huge competition in the labor market among university graduates after receiving their diploma. One of possible ways To increase your competitive advantages is to obtain not one, but two higher educations at once.

Have you ever thought about this? Nowadays, many universities provide such an opportunity to receive two higher educations at the same time. But is it worth it? Isn't it too difficult? Does it make sense to spend money on this (after all, according to the law, a second higher education cannot be obtained for free)? Will a second higher education be a real argument for an employer to choose you?

So, below are the pros and cons of receiving a second higher education at the same time as the first.

Advantages of simultaneously receiving two higher educations

  • Competitive advantage. You will have competitive advantage in the labor market among other newly graduated students.
  • Specialty to your liking. If, while studying at a university, you realized that the first higher education is not for you, you do not want to work in this specialty (which, by the way, happens quite often, because not everyone at the age of eighteen can decide what they are want to be in the future), but your conscience does not allow you to quit, then a second higher education is an excellent opportunity not to waste time and complete a specialty that will be useful to you in the future.
  • Study as a student and never return to it. Many people, already in their adult years, have to receive higher education in their specialty by correspondence, having families and children, this is even more difficult, but you can finish your student years and never return to study at higher educational institutions.
  • The second higher education is easier. Studying at a university for the second time is easier, you will already know what it is like to study, and besides, teachers at the second higher education institution are most often more loyal to such students.

Disadvantages of simultaneously receiving two higher educations

  • Little free time. You will have to spend a lot of time, effort and nerves. In addition, you will have to write two diplomas at the same time (and we all know how difficult it is to write one diploma). You will attend classes in the first higher level in the morning, and in the second in the evening.
  • Money spendings. Not everyone can afford to pay for a second higher education, especially since there will be very little time for part-time work. It’s okay if at first you entered on a budget and receive a scholarship. What if the first higher education is not free?

I have several friends who received two higher educations at the same time. They all say that if they knew it would be so difficult, they would not have done it. They told us how they studied from morning to evening, how much nerve they spent writing their diplomas. But at the same time, most of them studied very well and found good jobs (because as I see, almost everyone who completed two higher educations are smart people who know how to behave properly and control their time). And in the end they were satisfied and proud that they managed to overcome all this. By the way, most of them also worked while studying and did not miss classes!

In general, whether or not to receive two higher educations at the same time is up to you to decide. And I wish you success in your studies!

Is it possible to get a second higher education at the same time as the first?

That is, is it possible, while studying at an institute or university, to also study at another university?

As it turned out, a second higher education can be obtained simultaneously with the first. Such training, when a person studies in two different universities or in one university, but in different faculties, is called parallel. Students in this case are enrolled in the department of 2nd higher education on a contract basis (they reimburse the university for training costs) and are enrolled as students. Training in the second specialty takes place via correspondence. Upon completion, the person receives a diploma of higher education.

To enter you need to pass entrance exams. The original documents are stored in the first university (as a rule). In the first years of university they teach general disciplines such as philosophy, foreign language and history, etc. Therefore, when entering the second tower, you can take these disciplines and get straight into the 2nd or 3rd year of the university. And pass the rest of the profile exams during your studies. This is a very common practice. Universities are interested in such students, since in Russia second higher education is always paid.

The modern education system divides academic degrees, such as Bachelor - study full-time for 4 years, for a master's degree - 5.6 years.

Second higher education can be full-time (full-time or evening study) or part-time.

Of course you can. When I was at university, we had several students who managed to study at two universities at the same time. And at the same time, if their subjects coincided, they simply came with a certificate from another university. And these items were credited to them.

Yes, many of us did this. True, it is more convenient to do this at the same university: there is less hassle with re-tests and overlapping sessions. In addition, some of the teachers may already be familiar, and this is convenient: the requirements are known.

Nowadays, anything is possible. You just haven’t yet clarified whether the form of training is important. You can study remotely, part-time, or study in the evening. And as already written above in parallel. Everything is possible, everything is doable, if only there is a desire.

You can receive two higher educations in parallel. Only for one of them you will need to pay a contract and it turns out that one is a full-time student, and the other is a full-time student. correspondence department. Diplomas have equal validity when defended.

Obtaining a second higher education in last years became very popular in Russia. The main reason for this lies not only in the natural desire of a person to expand the boundaries of his knowledge, but also in significant changes in the structure of the economy of our country, the growing need for specialists with a diverse set of professional competencies, as well as labor market mobility.

According to statistics, large companies give preference to those applicants who have not only work experience, but also two higher educations. AND wage for such specialists is higher than for their colleagues with only a higher education.

Today the procedure for admission to state higher education educational establishments Russian Federation provides for the possibility of obtaining parallel second higher education. Parallel education is training simultaneously in two specialties in one or different universities, as a result of which the graduate receives two diplomas of higher education. By simultaneously obtaining two specialties, the main resource – time – is saved, and this is the main advantage of parallel training.

Parallel education gives a large number of opportunities, because upon graduation you receive two diplomas at once. The parallel education program offers students a variety of forms, terms and learning technologies. This education can be obtained full-time or part-time. Some higher education institutions offer tuition payment in installments.

In parallel training, students who have work experience in different areas Having received a second higher education, they can expand the range of their capabilities and powers, rise in career ladder and even when changing fields of activity, have good competitiveness in the labor market.

Students who wish to obtain two specialties at the same time are enrolled in the department of second higher education on a contract basis. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 18 Federal Law“On higher and postgraduate professional education”, persons simultaneously receiving a second higher professional education have the status of “listeners”, which in terms of receiving educational services is equal to the status of a student of a higher educational institution of the corresponding form of study. Thus, a student who successfully graduates from the university as a student will receive a diploma identical to the student’s diploma.

Senior students entering a direction related to the first direction of study can enter directly into the second or third year. Due to this, the actual training period is reduced. First-year students can also receive parallel education, however, it is recommended to wait until they enter at least the third year before starting to master the second higher education program. This way, the student will not have to take exams twice in disciplines common to both programs.

Students are admitted to the faculty of second higher education for parallel training on the basis of certification tests (written testing of a profile focus).

Before deciding to receive parallel education, you need to understand that simultaneous training in two areas of training is a large physical and mental load. But still, many students choose parallel education for the following reasons:

1. Saving time when obtaining two specialties.

2. Financial savings (when receiving a second higher education after the first, you will have to pay much more).

3. Acquiring a useful skill to properly manage your time.

4. Acquiring a double baggage of knowledge, and knowledge acquired at one faculty will most likely be useful at another.

5. Obtaining two diplomas at the same time.

Thus, a student receiving a parallel second higher education is in a more advantageous position compared to students of single-disciplinary higher educational institutions.

Having weighed all the pros and cons and having decided to receive parallel education, you must contact the admissions committee and, instead of the original education document, provide a certified photocopy of a state-issued document and an academic certificate from the department or faculty of which you are a student. The student also needs an application, 3*4 cm photographs and a copy of the receipt or payment order.

Obtaining a parallel second higher education is the key to successful employment, mobility in the labor market, and career advancement. Also, obtaining two specialties simultaneously, rather than sequentially, will save you time and money.

Recently, the number of applicants in various fields with several higher educations has been rapidly increasing. This is not surprising, since many reputable companies prefer to cooperate with multidisciplinary specialists. In addition, a second degree helps you successfully reach the top of your career and deepen your knowledge in your chosen profession. However, many people are guided by personal goals and do not intend to stop studying after receiving one diploma.

It is generally accepted that it provides for the student to master higher education programs on the basis of existing or incomplete higher education. As a rule, a significant proportion of applicants have diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education.

Apply for training

But is it possible to get a second higher education at the same time? This question remains relevant for applicants. Quite often, higher education institutions provide their students with such an opportunity. However, the main difference from obtaining a first higher education is training on a commercial basis. In this case, students are considered listeners and can only study by correspondence. It is important to emphasize that this status is equal to the status of full-time students.

As for the timing of obtaining a diploma, they are directly influenced by the first diploma and the form of study specified by the applicant. During the enrollment process, disciplines matching the programs are re-credited. Thus, students who chose a related specialty will have the shortest duration of study. The similarity of curricula will guarantee a significant percentage of subject overlap. On average, a person will have to spend from two to three and a half years to obtain additional higher education.

From what course can you get a second degree?

Students of both primary and advanced courses are capable of obtaining another education at the same time. But most of them prefer to start receiving another diploma, having completed the third year in their main specialty. This step will avoid re-taking exams in subjects that are common to the curriculum. A person must decide from which course he can obtain a second higher education independently, based on his own capabilities and goals. Statistics show that students studying in their third to fifth year choose to receive a second diploma at the same time as their first.

To begin training for an additional specialty, a student must pass certification tests, represented by a written test of a profile focus. Admissions Committee It is required to provide not only the usual package of documents, but also an academic certificate issued by the main place of study.

After completing parallel training, graduates, unlike their classmates, receive two state diplomas confirming receipt of higher professional education. It should be noted that only universities that have a license to educational activities, state accreditation for a certain specialty. Modern students should definitely remember this feature when considering the possibility of parallel studies at different institutes or universities.

Apply for training