Aircraft - Aviation modeling and aircraft navigation. How to make a rubber-motor helicopter yourself Rubber-motor helicopter model

This model is called so because it does not fly straight up, but rushes from side to side, reminiscent of the flight of a butterfly. This is especially noticeable when the model goes down. The “butterfly” consists of a frame with wings, propeller

and rubber motor (Fig. 74).

We’ll start making the “Butterfly” by drawing a life-size frame and screw. Their dimensions are shown in Fig. 75. For the frame and screw you need steel wire with a diameter of 1 mm. We will make frames from the lower base. Fold a wire 400 mm long in half, bend it around a nail with a diameter of 6-7 mm to form a loop for the rubber motor, then bend the lower base according to the drawing. For the upper base, take a wire 800 mm long. Fold it in half, and at the bend we bend it around a nail with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm. It will be

top loop

for rubber motor. From the remaining ends of the wire we bend wings according to the drawing. We will screw the lower base to the upper one, as shown in Fig. 75, and the ends of the wings - to the lower one. We solder the joints. maximum height flight. Such competitions are held on a football field or a large clearing.

At the signal, all participants launch their models, and the judge uses a stopwatch to determine the winner. After several launches, you can determine which of the participants’ “Butterfly” flies the longest, and which one flies higher.

Brightly pasted models of “Butterflies” launched simultaneously are a very beautiful sight. It can decorate any sports event in a pioneer camp. Therefore, today we will tell you how you can make a rubber-powered helicopter . This homemade product, in our opinion, is the best in its class. It differs from the previous ones (see ""), as appearance , and flight qualities. Its author is a young guy from Russia, who loves making various interesting homemade products

— Ilya Sheremetova. If you you will do this rubber-powered helicopter

, you can be sure that when you launch it, all your friends will be berating you to let them try to launch it into flight.

Materials and tools for creating a rubber-powered helicopter In order to make a helicopter we will need following materials : bamboo skewers for barbecue, colored paper

, one paper clip, a strip of tin from a coffee can, an elastic band, thread, glue. And also tools: ruler, scissors, awl, knife and pliers.

Materials and tools for creating a helicopter

We make a helicopter using a rubber motor

First, split some bamboo skewers in half. This is necessary to facilitate the design of the model. One long one will make a tail boom (22 cm skewer).

Split the skewers in half

We leave only one skewer unsplitted, which will withstand the load of the rubber motor. Make it 14cm long.

We measure 14 cm

Then we cut a strip of 4-5 mm thick and 7 cm long from the tin, bend it with pliers, as shown in the figure.

Making a mechanism for a rubber motor

We make two holes in it at the top and bottom, retreating from the edges by 3-4 mm.

Making holes

Now we attach two skewers to the tin piece, which will become the helicopter cabin, as well as the tail boom. To do this we use glue and thread.

Attaching the cabin parts Add bottom part

cabins, to do this we divide the skewer into two parts and attach it with thread and glue.

Attaching the lower part of the cabin

We also attach the rear axle for the wheels.

We tie the axle for the wheels Now let's make a screw. To do this from paper clip

Making a screw

We cut several rings from the rod, which will be the bearings of the rubber-motor mechanism.

Making bearings from a rod

We insert the screw blank and make a hook for an elastic band on the paper clip.

Bend the hook for the rubber motor

We cut out helicopter wheels from a sponge with scissors and put them on the axles, having previously lubricated them with glue.

Making wheels out of sponge

We paste colored paper over the helicopter cabin on the rubber tire.

We cover the helicopter cabin with paper

We also cover the tail of the helicopter with thin paper.

Most likely, in all aircraft modeling clubs, students get to making airplanes with rubber engines. For launching on the street, they usually start with “schemes” with a rubber motor, but for indoors nothing worthwhile could be found, most likely because there was nothing like that.

When a rubber motor is installed on a model, then the model must fly for a long time - for a while. From the children's competitions that I have repeatedly seen, when models, so to speak, with an open rubber motor and models with a closed rubber motor, try to simply fly to the target from a distance of 10-15 meters, it always gave me strange feelings.
What to do? F1D, F1M - of course, no one has canceled this, but this is already aerobatics, but where to start?
We decided to start with the same open rubber motor with a wingspan of no more than 500 mm and a weight of at least 9 grams in order to weed out the above-mentioned classes. The models should not be very difficult to make, and should be made by the children themselves, and not by their leaders. Well, the price should have been budget-friendly: without carbon fiber and glass, etc., etc.
Everyone did it differently and this is just the beginning, but everyone was shocked by flights lasting under 2 minutes. With minor enhancements, you can run such models outdoors, of course, under favorable weather conditions.
Video of such an amazing flight:

A drawing of this airplane in a PDF file for printing on a standard A4 printer And a description of the assembly
And another photo drawing of another teacher of a similar model:

You can start with such models, and then there is no limit to perfection.
And about the closed rubber motor I remembered that there is an excellent class F4F and F4D (as in the first photo).
It’s more interesting to compete with such models, more interesting to build, and more interesting to paint...
Join us, let's fly in February, maybe ;-)

Today I would like to show you how to make such an entertaining helicopter from balsa.

Let's begin!

The entire body of our helicopter is made of 2mm balsa. The tail boom is made of a 2 by 2 mm rail. The cabin is made of bent balsa slats 1 by 2 mm.

We make the main rail (the rubber motor is located on it) from a 3 by 2 mm rail.
Note: Many beginners ask how to bend these slats. The bending technology is quite simple. Take a jar that is filled to the top with boiling water. We lower the slats there and leave them for 10 minutes. After this, heat up the soldering iron or iron and apply them to it, and gradually bend it. It's simple.
Then we glue all the parts. IT IS IMPORTANT!

At each joint we glue a small triangle (at an angle of 90 degrees). This is necessary for the strength of the structure.
Now we make the rubber motor itself.

We make the axle from a small paper tube soaked in superglue. Then we make 2 small circles and one smaller one from 1 mm balsa, and then glue them together.

We make the shaft itself from thin wire. (The end needs to be bent into a hook.)

Now it's the turn of the screw itself

We make the screw stabilizer from 3 mm balsa and connect it with the same wire.

All this is attached to the shaft using another tube

Now let's move on to the tail. The axis of the tail propeller is made from the same paper tube..

The screw itself is balsa 0.7 mm

Then we assemble the circle structure again

As many have already understood, it is a belt drive. That is, during the flight of the helicopter, all the screws will spin.

The screw itself is an elastic band from pants :)
Now all that remains is to make the stands for the helicopter (1 mm balsa)

And at the same time attach a second hook for the elastic

A rubber-powered helicopter is not difficult to make. But first, let's find out what a rubber motor is. This is a twisted rubber band that, when unwinding, rotates the propeller and makes the rubber-powered helicopter fly.

As the main building material, we will use bamboo sticks. We will also need steel, metal from tin can, paper and thread.

Making a rubber-powered helicopter

First you need to split several sticks in half to make them thinner and lighter. For this we use a sharp stationery knife. Use the knife carefully to avoid cuts. We leave only one stick intact. It will bear the main load from the stretched rubber. We cut off a piece measuring fourteen centimeters from this whole stick. Now let’s cut the supporting strip of the screw, twenty-four centimeters long, from the half-stick. Mark the middle on it with a pencil and set it aside for now. Next, cut off the tail boom, twenty-two centimeters long. We will adjust the remaining parts during the process when we assemble the rubber motor. Let's put all the bamboo blanks of the helicopter aside and start making the main mechanical element. We will make it from the metal of a tin of coffee or other drinks. Cut a strip from the can four millimeters wide and four centimeters long. We bend the strip with pliers in this way and make two holes in it with an awl, retreating four millimeters from the edge at both ends.
Now, using glue and thread, we will connect all the parts of the helicopter structure. We fix it to metal part tail and main beams and assemble the main part of the cabin. We coat the joints with glue and wind several layers of thread so that they are saturated with this glue. We attach the strut and tail unit in the same way. We make a jumper from a thread on the tail of the helicopter. Then all this will be covered with paper. We will make the screw axis from a paper clip. Let's bend it so that threads can be tied to the screw strip. The fastening technology is still the same threads and glue. Before inserting the axle into the helicopter, we will make a bearing for it from a rod ballpoint pen. Let's cut small rings and put them on the axle. The more such rings, the less strength friction. We insert the whole helicopter and bend the hook. We'll make helicopter wheels out of sponge. Cut out three circles. Let's glue the wheels with instant glue to the helicopter. Now let's cover the helicopter with paper. To do this, attach the paper to the frame and trace the contours with a pencil. Cut out the outline with scissors. Let's coat it with glue and cover the helicopter cabin with it. Next we will glue the tail. To make the tail of the helicopter light, we will cover it with tracing paper. Now all that remains is to make the blades, for which we use yellow paper. Cut out two leaf-shaped blades and bend each in half. Let's glue them to the helicopter. Now all that remains is to tighten the rubber engine. To do this, we use an elastic band for banknotes. To launch the helicopter, we twist the blades. The rubber band will twist and after you release the blades, the rubber-powered helicopter will take off into the air and will fly until the rubber band loosens.