Who controls the work of management companies. How public control works in housing and communal services: Housing and Communal Services Committee

Apartment owners have every right, in accordance with the Housing Code, to check the activities of the housing and communal services management organization and receive a report on the expenditure of funds received from them Money. There is a simple algorithm for checking the work of such organizations, the use of which will help bring them to clean water.

First stage

You should start with a detailed study of the tariffs that are indicated in the rent receipt, to check the correctness and validity of their calculation. To do this, you need to request documents from the management company containing a list and amount of mandatory payments. Management organizations do not have the right to refuse to provide such documents. In this case, the request must be made in writing and registered as an incoming letter with the management company. The easiest way is to enter the requirement into the Criminal Code and transfer it to the secretary. In this case, you need to have a copy of the application with you, on which the secretary will put the same incoming number.

Second phase

Request from the Criminal Code not only a report on the work performed, but also appendices to it, because, most often, they contain a detailed description of expense items and amounts spent. It would be advisable to obtain from the management company an estimate of upcoming expenses for the next year in order to discuss these future expenses at the next meeting of owners and, if necessary, make adjustments. Residents can receive the report different ways: handing out to everyone in paper form, posting on a bulletin board or via an online resource.

It would also be a good idea to request certificates of work completed, documents for hiring employees serving a particular house, and payment orders.

Third stage

Analysis of all received documents. In any building, among the residents there will be specialists with economic and legal education. And it will be great if we can involve them in reviewing the documentation of the Criminal Code. It is necessary to recall and compare all the work that was actually performed during the reporting period and those indicated in the papers of the Criminal Code. For example, it is worth checking the daily water consumption for washing the entrance; it often turns out that utility workers use thousands of liters for a house with one entrance of five floors. Another example: the acts indicate significant amounts for the repair of doors, windows and the purchase of mechanisms for them (latches, handles, hinges), but in fact, these works were either not carried out at all, or not to the extent indicated in the Criminal Code report. This also applies to routine roof repairs, basements, entrance, maintenance of the elevator, which constantly breaks down and does not work for a long time, and residents continue to pay for it as for a comfortable working elevator.

The work of organizations in the housing and communal services sector rarely fully satisfies consumers. Residents have especially many complaints against management companies. We will talk further about whether it is possible to control the work of management companies, homeowners associations and where to complain to dissatisfied consumers.

How to control the housing and communal services management company, a higher organization

If the residents apartment building abandoned the HOA and self-management in favor of the management company, they enter into an agreement with the selected company.

It operates on the basis of this agreement and the requirements of housing legislation.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, owners of apartment buildings have the right to inspect the work of management organizations. For this purpose, management companies annually provide them with written reports on the work done. In addition, residents can request other documents from their company (about tariffs for housing and communal services, services performed, etc.) that are not prohibited by information disclosure standards. An equally important opportunity to influence management company

, is the right to change it.

The activities of companies operating in the housing and communal services sector are controlled and regulated at all levels of government.

Rospotrebnadzor also exercises control over management companies in a certain way. He provides support to consumers in a variety of legal areas. Another body that can provide assistance to consumers is housing inspectors.

They operate at both the federal and regional levels. However, due to changes in legislation, they do not directly supervise the management company. In connection with the introduction of licenses for management companies, the State Housing Supervision Authority now checks its proper use.

Official authorities at the local level also take part in regulating the housing and communal services sector. They have the right to independently monitor the situation or respond to consumer requests. According to Art. 165 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, they can conduct an unscheduled inspection of the work of the management company when the owners of the premises apply to the apartment building or the building council.

Where to complain about the management company

Consumers are not always able to independently control the Criminal Code. If the organization does not respond to consumer requests or does not respond to complaints, then outside help is required. First, you should send a complaint to the management of the management company and obtain an official refusal.

After receiving a response, owners can submit their claims to the following authorities:

  1. Rospotrebnadzor. According to the PZPP, this body is supervisory in the field of consumer rights protection. As part of the exercise of his powers, he considers requests received from citizens. Rospotrebnadzor can respond to complaints from consumers in the area of ​​providing housing and communal services.
  2. Housing inspection. This body is directly involved in monitoring compliance with legislation and consumer interests in the housing sector.
  3. Prosecutor's office. An application should be submitted to the Prosecutor's Office if other measures have not had the desired effect. If the prosecutor's inspection reveals violations, the perpetrators will be held accountable.
  4. Court. It is worth contacting the judicial authorities, if necessary, to recover damages received, to appeal against illegal actions of officials, to force the fulfillment of obligations, or in the event of other disputes within the jurisdiction of this body.

You can also complain about a company performing its duties in bad faith to the city administration. If the dispute is about inflated tariffs for housing and communal services, then the Federal Antimonopoly Service can provide assistance to consumers.

Can owners conduct an audit of the management company?

According to housing legislation, management organizations are controlled by the owners of apartment buildings who elected them. They are required to report to them annually on the work they have done over the past period of time.

The organization that manages the house must also, at the request of the owners, provide other documentation and information related to the provision of housing and communal services. The list of information that residents have the right to receive is established by Resolution No. 731 of September 23, 2010 “On approval of the standard for information disclosure by organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings.”

According to this document, enterprises managing apartment buildings are required to disclose information about all work performed, their cost, use common property Houses. Consequently, residents have the right to audit their activities.

How to check a management company, stages, audit

If the owners of the apartment complex have suspicions about the integrity of the actions of the management company. They have the right to check its activities (conduct an audit). True, this should be done wisely in several successive stages.

First, you need to request from the organization documentation on the services provided, their cost, and applicable tariffs. The management company should not be against its provision, since it is obliged to report to the owners who elected it.

Then they can independently check the financial and economic activities of the management company (conduct an audit). But it will be difficult for people without special knowledge to check financial documentation. Residents of apartment buildings can authorize a specialized organization (expert) to do this.

Commission on housing and communal services and quality control of management companies

There are so many problems in the housing and communal services sector that control over it is carried out not only by state (municipal) bodies, but also by public forces. In many regions there are public fees, under which supervisory commissions are created.

For example, a Commission for Housing and Public Utilities and Quality Control of Management Companies in the Moscow Region and St. Petersburg has been created. This organization monitors on a voluntary basis the actions of organizations in the field of management of apartment buildings.

We file a complaint against the Criminal Code, a sample complaint

Complaints about the actions of management companies arise very often. But in order to ensure that the stated claims are not left unanswered, it is important to draw up the complaint correctly. There is no single template for it, so it is written in free form.

However, any official document must contain certain details and comply with certain rules.

The header of the complaint indicates the person who filed it (full name, address, contacts), as well as the body to which it is sent. Next, it is written what the document itself is called.

The main part of the complaint is a description of the situation in which consumers consider their rights to be violated. The description should not be too long or emotional. The complaint must reflect the facts, information about violations, the applicant’s demands and their justification.

The document is signed by the complainant himself or his representative. A sample complaint is available. ⇐

Contacting the Housing Inspectorate . As mentioned above, one of the supervising organizations in the field of housing and communal services is housing services (inspections)

They respond to requests from citizens regarding compliance with regulations and standards for the provision of housing and communal services, and the interests of consumers. You can send a complaint to the Housing Inspectorate via mail or the organization’s website. In addition, consumers may, if possible, submit their complaint in person. Main point

, which should be referred to in the complaint, is a violation of legislation in the field of housing and communal services.

Contact Rospotrebnadzor

This body primarily oversees the implementation of the PZPP. For this purpose, it also considers consumer requests. The head office in Moscow performs management tasks and controls the activities of local divisions. You can also submit a complaint to this body in person, by mail or through the website.

To the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office monitors law and order in the country. Many consumers, complaining about the uncontrollability of the Criminal Code, turn to the Prosecutor's Office. It can hold accountable those who break the law.

To court

Consumers who are dissatisfied with the quality of services provided by management companies often go to court to resolve the problem. The court may consider disputes regarding enforcement of obligations, compensation for damage caused, and return of funds in case of double charges in receipts. The appeal to the court must begin with careful preparation

. The plaintiff should correctly determine the subject of his claims, the appropriate judicial authority, and draw up a claim. Claims are drawn up in writing, indicating the name of the court's address, as well as the parties to the dispute.

In order to receive a positive decision, the plaintiff needs to competently substantiate his claim and provide evidence of violation of the law by the Criminal Code. If the decision of the first instance does not satisfy the plaintiff, he can appeal it to a higher court.

Where to file a complaint about the quality of housing and communal services?

Where to file a complaint about the quality of housing and communal services. A specialist from the Regional Energy Commission will answer these questions Sverdlovsk region.

What kind of requests do the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region receive?

The number of letters and telephone calls about the work of housing and communal services enterprises received by the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region per year amounts to thousands. A significant part of them are appeals from citizens. Some issues are directly related to the activities of the Commission, others, in fact, should be sent to other departments that are not within the competence of the REC of the Sverdlovsk region.

Most often, residents are concerned about problems related to the quality of provided utilities, the sanitary and epidemiological condition of the housing stock, and the validity of charging the amount of rent for an apartment.

However, we cannot agree with the statement that the provision of answers by performers is “delayed.”

Current legislation obliges authorities state power provide a response to any citizen’s appeal within a month. In the REC of the Sverdlovsk region, this requirement is strictly observed. At the same time, no ministry or department has the right to provide official explanations on issues that are not within its competence.

Please explain, by what signs can an ordinary citizen understand whether he has addressed his question there or not?

For official clarifications of legal acts, you should contact directly the state or municipal government body that is interested in legal act was published. For example, the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region can only comment on resolutions adopted by the Commission. On issues not within the jurisdiction of the Commission, we can only express our personal opinion, but it cannot be regarded as an official interpretation of the law.

Unfortunately, appeals received by the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region often have to be sent to the authorities directly authorized to resolve this or that issue. As you understand, studying the identified problem and all departmental transfers require a certain amount of time. At least three to four days are lost as a result of which citizens wait. From our point of view, the reason is that when asking questions to government authorities, applicants do not always have a clear idea of ​​where exactly they should turn.

For many, housing and communal services are inseparable concepts, and, therefore, someone alone must be responsible for them...

In reality this is not the case. When it comes to the services provided by housing and communal services enterprises, you need to understand that they can be conditionally divided into two categories - housing and utilities. What do utilities include? Electricity supply, gas supply, hot and cold water supply, drainage, heating. Housing services are the maintenance and repair of housing and common property.

Now let’s try to determine who is responsible for solving this or that problem.

Where to turn if we are talking, for example, about something bad technical condition housing stock or violation of the rules for the use of residential premises? These issues fall within the competence of the state housing inspection.

One of the most frequently asked questions On the part of citizens, there is a question about the structure and correctness of charging fees for housing maintenance.

In accordance with current legislation, approval of the amount of payment to citizens for residential premises is within the competence of homeowners (housing associations, housing cooperatives...) or local governments. Therefore, for questions related to payment housing services, it is advisable for citizens to contact the governing bodies of HOAs, housing cooperatives, or the municipal administration at their place of residence, etc.

You doubt the correctness of the recalculation made, for example, for interruptions in supply hot water? Contact the service provider represented by the management company, HOA, housing cooperative etc.

What issues is the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region responsible for?

We are responsible for tariffs and regulations. Today, many people confuse the concepts of “tariff” and “fee for utility services.” Meanwhile, the difference between them is significant. What is a tariff? This is the cost of one unit of utility service – 1 kWh. electricity, 1 Gcal. thermal energy, 1 cubic meter natural gas or water, 1 kilogram liquefied gas. By establishing these values ​​for housing and communal services enterprises, the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region bears full responsibility for the economic feasibility of each of them. Tariffs for utility services are set, as a rule, once a year, and are not subject to change except in cases expressly provided for by federal law.

As for the payment for utility services, it consists of two components - the tariff multiplied by the volume of service consumed, and can change every month.

Thus, when there are complaints about the correctness of charging for utility services for a certain period of time, you should contact the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, since this is again a matter of protecting consumer rights. But if the tariffs presented for payment do not correspond to the values ​​approved in the prescribed manner, contact the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region.

In addition, the Regional Energy Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region sets a maximum index for changing the amount of citizens' payments for utility services. If this index is violated on the territory of the municipality, citizens have the right to contact us.

What if the citizen is still not satisfied with the answers from the above departments?

The problem that has arisen can be resolved at the discretion of citizens in the prosecutor's office or in court. After studying the case and confirming the facts of violation of the law, the prosecutor's office has the right to issue a protest or send a complaint to the persons who committed a particular violation.

As for the trial, based on the results judicial trial may be recovered from the defendant (for example, management company, HOA, housing cooperative, etc.) sum of money, wrongfully charged for payment for housing and communal services.

There are two problems in our country: fools and roads. This stereotype is known far beyond Russia. If we are talking about the main non-stereotypical problems in the Russian Federation, then these will be: low wages and unsatisfactory quality of housing. If everything is clear with roads - this is an unsolvable issue, then with ensuring decent living conditions for people and maintaining houses - it is quite doable. It is only important to understand who controls the housing and communal services management companies. Problems associated with unprofessional management of organizations designed to ensure order and stability in the operation of infrastructures stem from a number of significant shortcomings.

Important! These shortcomings entail a number of serious consequences that are not corrected from year to year and only become more dangerous. For activities related to the maintenance of residential buildings management organization receives funds from the population. With this money she must maintain the facades of houses in good condition, local area, public premises, organize waste removal and provide utilities.

In practice, this looks different: only a portion of the funds received is allocated for the maintenance of houses and repair of communications. Homeowners associations simply start stealing people's money. Naturally, no one likes this. People give the money they earn to strangers, but they also do not receive the proper level of service for it. Now activities are carried out in such a way that the work of the partnerships carried out at the sites is not transparent to consumers: there is no work schedule, no estimate. In order to prevent homeowners' associations from profiting at the expense of subscribers, in Russia there are regulatory authorities that supervise management companies and control housing and communal services.

Supervisory authorities

If you study what rights apartment owners have and know who exercises control over management organizations, you can check the work of your management company. Today there are three positions from which control is exercised: federal, local and regional. Each level performs control differently.

Federal level

Supervision at the state level is not the main level of control over HOAs. The main federal governing bodies prescribe only general principles for managing the housing sector and create additional methods.

Who controls the activities of management companies at the state level:

  • Ministry of Construction - sets the procedure for agreeing on the basic standards of public utilities, the procedure for receiving relevant services by consumers and sets quality parameters. It explains the “Rules for the provision of utility supply services” of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and gives recommendations for its implementation in practice. The Ministry of Construction sets economic standards for the control of heat and water energy carriers.
  • Ministry of Energy - sets national standards for the provision of residential and non-residential buildings with energy resources, including gas, water, electricity and heat, according to the public schedule;
  • FAS - sets the basis for the formation of prices for energy consumption by the population, determines the upper and lower limits of tariff levels, and helps control the receipt of payments by consumers of services to the accounts of utility services.

Regional level

Direct control over the implementation of approved standards and additional instructions received from national federal departments is carried out by municipal or regional authorities.

At the regional level, companies providing service and maintenance of residential buildings are subject to the following services:

  • Housing Inspectorate– carries out inspections that monitor compliance by management companies and residents with the requirements of regional and state legislation:
  • functionality of residential premises;
  • control over redevelopment in apartments;
  • operation and maintenance of public property in an apartment building;
  • the amount of payment for the maintenance of apartments;
  • change in the status of premises and their purposes;
  • providing the home with supplies of energy resources, setting the amount of payment for their consumption and methods of payment;
  • organization of funds for repairs.

Companies holding a license to manage real estate are not directly subordinate to local supervisory authorities - the housing inspection does not exercise specific control. But it controls the issuance of licenses to these companies and audits their activities to determine whether they comply with the requirements.

The result of the inspection is recorded in a protocol and sent with an order to the management company with a deadline for eliminating violations.

Control by homeowners

Do not forget that homeowners themselves have significant power. The budget receives funds from them. Therefore, their satisfaction should be of primary interest to the management company. Residents of an apartment building have relations with the management company according to a bilateral agreement, which stipulates the rights and obligations of both parties, which means that the homeowners have the right to demand from the other party the conscientious fulfillment of the terms of the agreement. How to check the housing and communal services management company yourself? If there are violations, they have the right to demand an unscheduled inspection. To do this, you need to send an application to the State Housing Inspectorate with the appropriate requirements. It is worth noting that applications submitted collectively are reviewed and executed faster. In their appeal, residents indicate contact information and can request a list of agreed tariffs from the management company. The application must be written in two copies.

Information received from representatives of Ex. The company is analyzed and compared with the actual quality of the services we provide. For a more professional analysis, you can seek the help of specialists. They will help solve your problem. After this, the management company checks the compliance of the specified data with the actual work performed. Inspectors may ask the accounting department of the management company to provide an estimate of expenses. Reports on financial documents may be required not only for the present fiscal year, but also for the previous few years from the archives of the organization.

If inflated tariffs are discovered or estimates for work are inflated, residents of the building can contact the prosecutor's office. They receive sufficient grounds to file a claim and bring the case to court. You can get a free consultation by contacting the consumer assistance center. There they will help you draw up a collective complaint against the culprit and bring it to the controlling organization from above. It doesn’t matter which course of action is chosen: the management company will be checked, violations will be eliminated, and residents will be compensated for their losses and illegal withdrawals of funds will stop.

Conducting audits

The audit takes place according to several parameters. To make the operation of the management company more open, you can resort to an audit in the housing and communal services sector. They will be checked:

  • actual expenses incurred by the organization to the invoices issued for them:
  • compliance of prepared financial documents established rules document flow and assessment of the veracity of the information contained in them;
  • reviewing the reasons for spending the budget (confirming the effectiveness and rationality of the chosen way of doing things).

Important! To summarize, the auditor performing the audit can, as an example, provide his own professional recommendations to optimize and establish technological, financial and economic processes within the company. Advice on working with tax authorities may also be provided.

The audit takes place in accordance with the established regulations. It allows you to determine where each ruble of funds invested by residents is spent, and what percentage of expenses was actually spent effectively, and what percentage goes “by the way” or is spent thoughtlessly.

The verification must take into account the following documents:

  • reports on spending money on utilities at home;
  • estimates, with provided data on the costs of carrying out necessary work on the maintenance and operation of an apartment building;
  • reports on costs incurred in hiring third party contractors to perform the work.

How to properly draft and submit a complaint?

If the management company does not fully fulfill its obligations, violates the terms of the contract and does not provide appropriate reports on the work done, then the residents of the house have every right to file a complaint with higher authorities. This is done quickly and free of charge if you know the algorithm and your rights.

Sufficient grounds for filing an application:

  • premises common use need current repairs, but he long time is not fulfilled, for example - damaged railings, broken lighting bulbs.;
  • elevators and garbage chutes are not properly maintained;
  • The heating in the rooms is weak.

The type of complaint is chosen at will: write it by hand or type it on a computer and print it out - the supervisory authority is obliged to accept it in any form. The application must indicate the government body to whose address the appeal will be sent. In addition to your own contact information, do not forget to include a return address to which you can send a response. List all observed violations, indicate the exact address of the house, and if necessary, the specific location of the breakdown: entrance and floor. To complete the picture, use links to the Housing Code indicating that these violations should not exist. Do not forget to clearly indicate what result you want to achieve following the inspection and decision. If the application is submitted collectively: indicate the contact information of each applicant.

Make two copies of the complaint and give both to the person at the center who receives complaints from the public. They must assign an incoming appeal number and date of acceptance and return one copy to the complainant. The set date is set as the date of filing the application and from that moment the thirty-day countdown begins to provide a mandatory response to the applicant.


Management companies are subordinate and controlled by central authorities, as well as by the owners of the premises themselves. Federal authorities only regulate their activities. They do not exercise direct control. Who controls the work of management companies? The management company can be controlled by the supervisory authority: Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and the housing inspection.

Control over the activities of management companies (MCs) in the housing and communal services sector is carried out both at the federal level and by local governments. The residents of buildings served by these organizations themselves can take certain measures.

The legislative framework

Regional supervision in the housing and communal services sector is regulated by local regulations(regional and municipal), Article 20 of the Housing Code, Government Decree No. 493, Federal Law No. 131-FZ, Federal Law No. 210.

The listed legislative acts describe in detail the powers of each body, indicating those areas of activity that state and municipal institutions are required to control.

Yes, Art. 20 LCD regulates common goals and principles of state, municipal and public housing control, in Art. 13 of the LC describes the powers of regional government bodies, Art. 196 of the Housing Code determines the procedure for licensing control of management companies.

Federal Law No. 131 describes the powers of municipal authorities, including regulatory authorities in the housing and communal services sector.

The Code of Administrative Offenses contains information about preventive measures taken against management organizations that perform their duties in bad faith.


There are three levels of housing control: federal, regional, municipal.

Federal level

Federal supervision is not the main method of control over management companies; central government bodies are responsible for the formation general principles housing management and issue methodological instructions.

Who controls the work of management companies at the federal level?

This includes:

  • Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. This ministry determines the procedure for approving standards for public utility services, the procedure for providing these services and the criteria for their quality. The Ministry of Construction provides clarifications on the content of Government Resolution No. 493 (“Rules for the provision of public services…”) and on the practical implementation of its provisions. Authority regulates economic aspects heat and water metering.
  • Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Determines schemes and standards for heat supply of houses.
  • Federal Antimonopoly Service. Determines the principles of pricing in the areas of heat and water supply, maximum tariff levels, regulates the monitoring of citizens' payments for utility services. Previously dealt with these issues federal Service according to tariffs, but in 2015 it was abolished.

Regional level

Direct control over the practical implementation of standards and methodological instructions federal ministries is carried out by regional authorities and municipalities.

At the regional level, management companies report to:

1) Goszhilnadzor (housing inspection). The main function of the body is to conduct inspections of compliance by the Criminal Code and citizens with legal requirements. Checks are carried out according to such parameters as:

  • maintenance of residential premises;
  • carrying out redevelopment and reconstruction;
  • maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building;
  • the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises;
  • transfer of premises from non-residential status to residential status and vice versa;
  • provision of utility services, determination of their payment and methods of payment;
  • formation of repair funds.

Goszhilnadzor is authorized to suppress and eliminate violations in these areas.

The Housing Inspectorate does not exercise direct housing supervision over organizations licensed to manage houses. Instead, it carries out licensing control (Article 196 of the Housing Code), which involves checking the compliance of the activities of the management company with the conditions for obtaining and maintaining a license.

2) Tariff Committee. Depending on the region, its functions can be performed by different organizations: REC, Ministry of Energy, etc. The committee determines tariffs for heat supply, electricity, gas supply and water supply, and monitors their application. The activities of the body are controlled by Federal Law No. 210 “On the regulation of tariffs...”.

3) Regional branches of Rospotrebnadzor. Guided by SanPiNs, this organization monitors the quality and safety of public services, including:

  • checks the chemical, biological, radiological composition of water;
  • controls the noise level, created by work ventilation systems, elevators, heating units and other devices;
  • monitors the implementation of disinfection and pest control measures;
  • checks humidity, lighting, ventilation in residential premises.

In accordance with the Administrative Code, Rospotrebnadzor holds management companies responsible for violating the requirements of sanitary standards.

Local level

Municipal authorities are assigned separate responsibilities carried out by regional authorities.

Supervisory authorities in the housing and communal services sector at the local level can:

  • check residential premises for compliance with the standards of their use and maintenance;
  • monitor the use of common property in apartment buildings;
  • check utilities for compliance with established standards;
  • monitor compliance with payment requirements for repairs and utility bills.

Also, local government bodies are authorized to carry out licensing control of management companies.

In most cases, at the local level, the work of management companies is controlled by the Housing and Communal Services Department under the city administration.

The procedure for conducting inspections is established by municipal legal acts.

Scheduled inspections by regional and municipal authorities are carried out once a year, unscheduled inspections are carried out when complaints are received from residents, when the rights of consumers of utility services are violated, when harm is caused to people’s health or environment, as well as when there is a threat of causing such harm.

Based on the results of the audit, an inspection report of the management company is drawn up.

Residents' control

Management companies operate on the basis of an agreement with residents of the serviced apartment building, who have the right to request verification of the integrity of compliance with its terms. To do this, homeowners must write an application. Collective applications are considered faster and have greater force.

In the application, residents must indicate their personal data and request from the management company a list of tariffs and their amounts. The document is drawn up in two copies.

The provided data is analyzed and correlated with the quality and quantity of services provided. For detailed analysis you can use the help of experts.

Reporting must be required not only for the current year, but also for the previous 1-2 years (for example, for 2019, 2018 and 2017).

If a discrepancy between the tariffs and the quality of the services provided is discovered, then the owners receive grounds for filing a lawsuit, and they can also appeal collective complaint on the Criminal Code, which is sent to the regulatory authority.

Both options have the same outcome: the Criminal Code will be verified, and illegal levies will be reimbursed to residents if their existence is proven.

You can check the licensing of an organization on the State Services website (dom.gosuslugi.ru) by searching for the company name in the license register.


  • An audit of management companies in the housing and communal services sector allows you to make the organization’s work more transparent and optimize the maintenance of financial documentation. The audit of the management company is carried out according to the following criteria:
  • compliance of financial documentation with the company’s actual costs;
  • the correctness of the documents, the completeness and reliability of the information presented in them; efficiency economic activity

(correctness of targeted spending of funds, etc.).

Based on the results of the analysis, the auditor can give recommendations on improving the work of the management company, improving document flow, and optimizing expenses (including tax expenses).

  • During the inspection, attention is paid to the following documents:
  • estimates containing information on the costs of operating the housing stock;
  • utility reporting for funds collected from residents; reporting service

using the services of third parties;

An audit of the management company with the analysis of these documents allows us to identify what percentage of the money invested by residents goes to housing maintenance, and what part of the funds is spent ineffectively.


So, who do management companies report to? Management companies are controlled at all levels: how, and ordinary homeowners. Federal ministries are responsible for the formation of theoretical and regulatory framework, which regulates the activities of management companies, regional and municipal authorities carry out regular checks of compliance of the organizations with established standards, and residents can check the management company by analyzing its financial documentation.