How to cut laminate flooring at home without chips or damage. How to cut laminate flooring: selecting the appropriate cutting tool How to cut laminate flooring at home

In appearance, laminate resembles natural wood, although high-strength fiberboard with decorative finishing is used for its manufacture.

Important! In the production of laminate, four-layer technology is used, on the top there is protective film which protects him from mechanical damage and wear.

Laying laminate flooring is quite simple, like any other flooring, it requires sawing and preparation for installation. If you are new to this business, then you may have problems choosing the right tool. To learn about laminate sawing technology when using special tool without chips or scratches, please read the information below.

Laminate classification

Jigsaw for cutting

An electric jigsaw is often used to cut laminate flooring; it is a popular and versatile tool that requires certain skills to operate. The laminate board will not deform if operated at high rotation speeds. Therefore, for high-quality cutting of laminate, you should choose a jigsaw where you can adjust the speed, most often this is done using a button. To properly cut laminate using an electric jigsaw, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures:

  • On the outside of the laminate board, using a pencil or marker, a mark is made along which the cut will be made;
  • It is necessary to draw along the same line with a knife or other sharp object and apply some force;
  • The laminate board should be laid on flat surface and keep it stationary.

The mark is made with a knife or other sharp object so that the jigsaw does not damage the coating, and the cut is smooth and correct in accordance with the applied markings. Before sawing, the laminate board is placed in such a state that the edge that needs to be cut is suspended. Next, sawing is carried out along the intended line. You need to choose the right saw for sawing electric jigsaw, in a special store you can find saws for working with wood and special attachments designed for sawing laminate boards.

If straight cutting is required, you can use a wide nozzle. For more complex sawing, it is better to use a fine-toothed attachment. The blade of such a nozzle should be narrow, this will avoid cracks and chips in the process of sawing the laminate board.

The beauty of curly cuts is achieved by using narrow nozzle with small teeth, while when using a wide nozzle it will be difficult to carry out turning movements and the shapes can be cut out not according to the markings, but with some deviation. Pay attention to the availability of saws with reverse teeth in a specialized store; they are just suitable for accurately and quickly sawing laminate boards.

Circular saw for cutting laminate boards

A circular saw can be used to cut laminate boards, although it is not the optimal tool to perform this operation. If you have not previously worked with circular saw, then from the idea of ​​sawing a laminate board when using of this instrument It's better to refuse. Most often, a circular saw is used to cut laminate boards lengthwise.

If you need to cut a saw along the entire length of a laminate board, then this tool comes in handy. However, when working with a circular saw when cutting laminate, you may encounter a problem unpleasant odor, this occurs due to the high speed of rotation of the disk, which, when heated, begins to burn out the wood. To properly cut laminate boards using a circular saw, you should use a disk with fine teeth.

Grinder for performing laminate sawing operations

If you have a grinder at hand, then it is also quite suitable for cutting laminate boards. You just need to choose a disc designed for working with ceramics or concrete. Using a grinder, the laminate is cut along the outside; this method allows you to avoid the appearance of chips and cracks. You should pay attention to the fact that when working with an angle grinder, a lot of fumes and dust are released; you can protect objects in the house with the help of film.

Hacksaw for cutting laminate

A hacksaw is not a leader in the ranking of tools for cutting laminate boards. But if this is the only tool at hand, certain rules will help you cope with the sawing task. Do not use a hacksaw with large teeth for sawing, it will damage the surface and will not allow you to make precise cutting. It is recommended to use a hacksaw with fine teeth and first mark with a pencil and a sharp object along the cut line. But when working with a regular hacksaw, you don’t have to rely on high speed. A hacksaw is best suited for making small cuts and cross cuts. This tool is not suitable for cutting along the entire length of a laminate board.

Cutter for cutting

The cutter is used quite often in laminate sawing, since guillotines operate on the principle of a burner, as a result, it is possible to create a cut faster. When using this tool, the cut is smooth. It is convenient to work with such a tool because it does not generate dust and does not make noise. The cutter is designed in such a way that it is only suitable for cross cuts, so the scope of this tool is limited.

When considering how to cut laminate flooring, it should be noted that it is recommended to lay the laminated coating using the same technology as brickwork, that is, in a running start. Only in this case will the finished floor look natural and very attractive. The only drawback of this laying scheme is that it involves cutting material in each row.

Cutting laminate flooring is a very important task, the correct execution of which will determine appearance flooring. Therefore, such work must be approached with all seriousness, having first figured out how and with what to cut laminate.

Laminate construction

To choose the right tool To cut laminated panels, you first need to understand what they consist of. Laminate is finishing material, having a layered structure, which consists of chipboard or fiberboard and special paper impregnated with melamine resins. During its manufacturing process, all layers are glued together by pressing under high pressure (laminate high pressure– HDL) or low (laminate low pressure DLP) pressure.

Thanks to this production technology, the material has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • long service life.

Structurally, laminated panels consist of the following layers:

  1. Bottom layer. Made from plastic or tarred paper. Protects the material from moisture seeping from the subfloor. Some brands of laminate are additionally equipped with a soundproofing layer. It is recommended to install such panels in apartments located on upper floors to muffle noise from neighbors below.
  2. Base. Made from fiberboard or chipboard. The strength and moisture resistance of the material depends on the quality and thickness of this layer. The joint part of the laminate, called the lock, is cut into the base.
  3. Decorative layer. Thanks to it, a unique pattern of panels with imitation underlay is created. a natural stone, tiles, wood, etc.
  4. Protective layer. It contains acrylic and melamine resins that protect the material from abrasion, shock and other mechanical influences.

Laminate cutting tool

You can cut laminate with a simple metal saw.

Processing of laminated panels should be carried out so that the cutting line is smooth, without chips, burrs and other defects.

For cutting of this material You can use both mechanical and electrical, including highly targeted tools, namely:

  • hand saw for wood or metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • circular saw;
  • special cutter.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Cutting laminate with a hand saw

The cheapest tool that allows you to cut laminate flooring is a regular hacksaw, which is available in the arsenal of every owner. Unlike particle boards, laminated panels lend themselves well to such processing. The cutting line in this case will not be ideal, since the hacksaw teeth leave behind small chips. However, this is not critical, because minor damage on the end can be hidden floor plinth, mounted along the perimeter of the finishing base.

To obtain an acceptable result, it is necessary to use a tool with fine teeth, such as a metal saw. With its help you can get a better cut, but you will have to cut much longer than with a hacksaw on wood. Therefore, working with a hand saw is only relevant for small volumes of building material.

Before cutting the laminate with a hacksaw, it is placed on a hard and flat surface with the face up, after which the cut is made using smooth movements. During the work process, you should not put too much pressure on the saw, as this will only worsen the quality of the cut.

Using a jigsaw

Working with a jigsaw will save a lot of time and effort.

The most effective tool for cutting laminate quickly and efficiently is a jigsaw. It is very easy to use, so even a novice master can handle it. In addition, it is characterized by an acceptable cost, which explains its great popularity. The jigsaw cuts at high speeds, resulting in a clean and even cut line.

The quality of the work performed is largely influenced not by the tool itself, but by its cutting part. If the first place is not quality, but speed, that is, a lot of material needs to be processed in a short period of time, then a saw with large teeth should be installed in the jigsaw. The larger the teeth, the faster the laminate will be cut.

At the same time, as the cutting speed increases, its quality decreases. This should also be taken into account. For quick panel cutting, it is recommended to use a saw marked T101D or 344D. To obtain a clean cut, a cutting blade marked T101B, equipped with fine teeth, is used.

To cut laminate with a jigsaw, you need to install a saw with reverse teeth, since in this case the likelihood of chipping and other mechanical defects is reduced.

It should be noted that with a jigsaw you can create not only straight, but also shaped cuts. First you need to prepare a template from cardboard of the appropriate shape. Then the template is placed on the front side of the panels and traced with a simple pencil. After this, a cut is made along the resulting curve.

Other Laminate Cutting Tools

To cut laminate with a circular saw, use a disk with fine teeth.

In the absence of a jigsaw, you can cut a laminated board using a circular saw and a disk with fine teeth. The cutting technology is no different from the previous version, however, in this case, achieving an even cut line will be somewhat more difficult. To simplify the task, you can use a stationary circular saw rather than a hand-held circular saw. However, due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such a tool.

Answering the question of how to cut laminate, it should be noted that in modern construction market You can purchase highly targeted equipment designed specifically for processing laminated boards. Such a tool is a laminate cutter. Outwardly, it resembles a stationery guillotine for cutting paper. The cutter consists of a horizontal platform on which the material rests and a sharp blade driven by a lever.

This tool does not produce noise during operation, does not emit dust and does not chip. It should be noted that the cutter can only make longitudinal cuts. For cross cuts, you need to use one of the tools described above.

You can cut laminate using various instruments both mechanical and electrical action. The choice of one option or another will depend on your financial capabilities and the amount of work to be done. If it is necessary to cut a large number of laminated panels, then the best option is a jigsaw or circular saw. For several cuts, a regular metal saw will suffice.

In order for the laminate flooring to “fit” correctly into the surface area, and for you to get an even pattern, you need to not only follow the installation technique, but also know the best way to cut the laminate flooring.

Naturally, it is better to use specialized tool, but there are other options that will be discussed in this article.

Tool capabilities

The main characteristics required for a tool for cutting laminated boards:

  1. Light weight and easy to use.
  2. Possibility of smooth cutting without chips and cracks.

Note! The second point for those who decide to install laminate flooring themselves is considered the most important. But if you look from a technical point of view, this value is a little exaggerated. The fact is that small chips (up to 5 mm) can easily be hidden behind the baseboards.

With this tool, thanks to its lightness and convenience, you can achieve better results when cutting material. The main thing is to choose the right file with a special tooth pattern and fine pitch.

A professional tool, in principle, is supplied with a set of various files, but if you don’t have one, then you can use a regular metal file.

Cutting with a jigsaw

To properly cut laminate while maintaining integrity decorative covering, you need to follow some cutting rules.

  1. First, at the incision site with inside you need to draw a line with a pencil.
  2. Then place the panel on a clean table so that the cut area hangs from it.
  3. To ensure proper cutting, press the material against the table and cut through the laminate in the intended location.

Note! To minimize damage to the coating, cutting is carried out at increased speed. If you do everything quickly and confidently, the cut will be smooth and without large chips.

Thanks to the use of this tool, you can quickly and efficiently cut laminate flooring. Only for this purpose a metal cutting disc must be used. Working with such a tool is more difficult than with a jigsaw.

Before cutting, the material must be laid on a flat surface (with the pattern facing up) and secured. When cutting you need to be extremely careful. The saw is moved with slight pressure, slowly moving the disk along the marked line and not stopping in one place.

This is also a very convenient tool that you have home handyman. It is used for cutting any material, including laminate. As with other tools, for quality cutting you need to follow some rules.

  1. To ensure that there are no chips left at the cut site, the cut should be made from the front side.
  2. Since there are no special discs for cutting laminate, you can use those that are used for cutting concrete, metal or ceramic tiles.

Note! When working with this tool, you need to take one nuance into account. When cutting, a lot of dust will be generated, so it is better to work on a balcony or outside.

This tool is also well suited for such work. It’s just better to use a hacksaw because it has fine teeth. A wood hacksaw is not suitable for cutting because its teeth will tear out pieces decorative surface.

Note! Because cutting laminate with a hacksaw is a labor-intensive process, it is better to use it for small amounts of work.

This is a professional tool that allows you to quickly cut material. It works on the principle of a guillotine, and laminate cutting is carried out quickly, without unnecessary noise or chips. The design of the cutters allows you to cut the material in the transverse direction without applying additional effort.

Note! Considering that such cutters are intended only for working with laminate, it is not worth purchasing it for one-time use. As a rule, they are used by craftsmen who professionally install this coating.

This is a backup option that can be used for cutting laminate flooring. It can come in handy if your grinder or jigsaw breaks and you only have a few boards left to lay.

  1. The laminate board must be marked in advance and placed on a clean surface, decorative side up.
  2. You need to apply a ruler to the cut site and make a deep cut with a knife (2-3 times if necessary).
  3. Then, holding one side firmly, you need to press on the other half. The laminate should break at the point of the cut.

There are plenty of laminate cutting tool options. Having good experience, you can cut it off efficiently and quickly with any of them. The difference lies only in the time spent on it.


This video shows the operation of a manual guillotine for laminate flooring.

It is impossible to lay the floor with solid sheets of laminate. There is always a need to cut laminate to obtain the required dimensions. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary consumption of material, it is better to determine a list of devices and tools for accurate and waste-free cutting of panels at home before starting work.

Of course, it is impossible to do without waste completely. Therefore, when calculating the amount of laminate, a small margin is included, taking into account that you will have to cut some boards, adjust them to size, and then join them together.

Types of tools for cutting laminate

Due to its structure, laminate can be sawed well with wood tools and is extremely easy to process for craftsmen different levels: from professionals with many years of experience to beginners.

A special feature is that the material is cut directly at the installation site. At the same time, it is very important to achieve a qualitatively even cut and not spoil the panel.

By contacting specialists with the question of how to cut laminate quickly and efficiently, you can get various tips. After all, each master has his own criteria for selecting a tool, his own characteristics and knowledge of technology, experience gained and natural ingenuity. For one, it is important to work with a lightweight and mobile tool; for another, the issue of connecting to an electrical outlet or manual operation is important. However, everyone agrees on one opinion: cutting laminate must be done with high quality, ensuring a perfect cut.

All tools for cutting laminate can be divided into two categories: hand tools and power tools. The advantages of the first category are versatility of application and affordable price. The use of tools of the second group, despite the higher cost and dependence on the location of connection to the electrical network, can significantly speed up and facilitate the process of installing the coating.

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • circular saw;
  • grinder;
  • special cutter;
  • construction knife;
  • and even an ordinary stationery knife.

Using any tool from the list above with appropriate handling experience will allow you to obtain a high-quality and accurate cut. A general or unified recommendation on how to cut laminate flooring at home, what equipment or device to choose in specific situation does not exist. Each master, based on personal practical experience, knowledge and vocational training, has its own preferences and “tricks”. It is important to take into account that with any of the chosen methods, you should be guided by folk wisdom: “Measure twice, cut once.”

Let us briefly consider the purpose and operating principles of each type of tool for cutting laminate.


Let's start with the simplest and most accessible - hand saw woodworking or hacksaw. This is a hand tool that is found in almost every home. A hacksaw requires physical effort and can be used to cut small amounts of material. Its use is not effective at large volumes. In this case, choosing a hacksaw with large teeth can lead to destruction of the decorative surface of the coating lamellas. To prevent such consequences, it is better to use a hacksaw with fine teeth or a hacksaw for metal.

Advice: Before you start cutting, masking tape should be applied to this place, which will prevent chipping at the cut site. It is recommended to lay the board face up.

A hacksaw is not the main tool for cutting laminate for professionals due to low productivity, high physical costs and the danger of damage to the decorative layer of the panel. But in some cases, for small volumes, when it is not practical to use a jigsaw or grinder, a hacksaw may be useful.

A direct alternative to a hacksaw is an electric one. reciprocating saw. Now on the market big choice such a tool. However electric saw will not greatly add convenience and speed to your work. Therefore, in our review we will not dwell on it in detail.

An electric jigsaw is a convenient, simple and very productive tool. In most cases, it takes first place due to its ease of use, ease of use and efficiency of use. Therefore, when looking for solutions to the problem of cutting laminate flooring at home, many users choose it.

Using a jigsaw does not require special training or many years of skill; anyone can successfully handle it. The result will be of high quality, the cut will be even and perfectly smooth, given that the tool operates at high speeds. The main thing in its application is correct selection files for laminate.

Typically, a set with a jigsaw includes several blades designed for processing wood or laminate. If you don't have them, you should take care of purchasing them in advance. The laminate file for a jigsaw has a special shape and a fine tooth pitch. Look for the appropriate labeling on the packaging. Using the wrong file will result in chips appearing on the edges of the cut. Therefore, it is better to cut the panels with a special jigsaw file for laminate. If you can’t find one, you can use a metal blade, but productivity will be slightly reduced.

Important! The markings are made from the reverse side of the panel. To cut with a jigsaw, place the workpiece on a flat, clean surface with the decorative side down. This way, the saw teeth cause less damage to the panel during the cut.

An important advantage of a jigsaw over other types of tools is the ability to make not only straight cuts, but also curved ones. This is very important if it is necessary to lay a laminate floor in places where pipes and communications pass. A jigsaw can easily cut grooves and entries for them.

A circular saw allows you to get a more even cut of laminate than a jigsaw, and at the same time much faster. However, working with such a tool requires a lot of attention and much more dangerous. Therefore, it is recommended to use a circular saw only for those who have the skills and experience in handling such a tool, or have become familiar with the operating procedure in detail by watching a video.

Typically, a circular saw for laminate is used only by professionals for very large volumes of work. At home, this tool is rarely used due to its high cost, bulkiness and risk of injury.

As with a jigsaw, to cut laminate, a circular saw must be equipped with a disc designed specifically for this procedure. The cut is made face up with smooth movements in the longitudinal or transverse direction.

Corner Sander or in common parlance, the “grinder” is used quite often for cutting laminate. This is an easy to use tool. A clean wood cutting disc is installed on it, which can easily cut a laminate panel.

The workpiece is fixed on a flat plane decorative layer up. It should be cut slowly, smoothly, without strong pressure and clearly following the marked straight line. Make sure that during the cutting process the blade on the laminate of the grinder does not get stuck or slip in the workpiece. This requires a certain dexterity and skill, so it is better to test your strength and skills on waste before cutting laminate flooring at home.

For many, a grinder is associated with cutting metal. But this power tool has great capabilities and wide range size and power, which allows us to classify it as universal tool. A certain part of the craftsmen do not make a different decision when the question of choosing cutting tools arises - they prefer to cut laminate flooring with a grinder, since it is with its help that they cut almost all materials.

When cutting laminated material with a grinder, the cut is perfectly even and smooth. To obtain a surface best quality It is important what kind of disc is used for cutting: for cutting wood, metal, concrete or stone. The right circle will help you achieve the best results.

Important! Before cutting, the workpiece is laid and fixed face up. You should cut smoothly, without strong pressure, and clearly in a straight line. To cut laminate you need to use a wood saw blade with a clean cut.

When working with this tool, a large amount of dust and an unpleasant smell of burnt wood is generated. Therefore, when choosing an angle grinder, it is not recommended to carry out work indoors: for this it is better to go to open balcony or outside.

Laminate cutter

A guillotine or laminate cutter is highly professional and quite expensive hand tools, intended exclusively for cutting laminate. It does not require skills or physical strength.

Externally, the cutter resembles a guillotine, equipped sharp knife. When a decision needs to be made the right tool, a laminate cutter is usually not the first suggestion since it is narrowly discussed professional instrument little known to a wide range of users, despite its effectiveness.

The advantages of the guillotine are:

  • Silence;
  • High speed;
  • No dust;
  • No experience or usage skills required;
  • High quality cut.

The cost of the cutter is relatively expensive, so purchasing such a tool for cutting laminate flooring is advisable and cost-effective only for professionals who are constantly busy laying laminate flooring. If you need to change the floor in two-room apartment, it is hardly worth making a decision to purchase such a specialized device.

Important! The cutter can only be used in the transverse direction.

Construction and stationery knife

Most often, a construction or stationery knife for cutting laminate can be used in situations where it is necessary to trim or trim a small fragment of a board. You can also use a construction knife if you need to cut off a piece of laminate and there is no other tool at hand. To do this, you need to use strong pressure to cut the decorative layer several times along the markings (it will not be possible to completely cut off the fragment like a saw), until a deep mark remains on the surface. Next, you need to place a hammer handle or other stop under the cut line and break off a piece by pressing far edge. The cut can be cleaned with the same knife or sandpaper.

Drill and screwdriver

A drill or screwdriver are not the main tools for laying laminate, but are often used to make cuts for pipes and communications, as well as when installing baseboards and thresholds after laying the laminate.

Features of the laminate cutting process

When starting to lay laminate flooring, you need to know not only how to cut laminate flooring at home, but also how to use the tools correctly. Among the main defining points regarding the features of working with laminate, the following can be noted:

  • Do not use much force when cutting laminate;
  • if the cut is of poor quality, the board should be laid with the damaged side under the baseboard;
  • to obtain an ideal cut, the workpiece should be placed with the inside down when working with a grinder and a circular saw, or with the inside up when working with a jigsaw;
  • Before cutting, check the calculations several times to prevent damage to the materials;
  • Curly cuts should be made using a template for measuring bends, gluing construction tape to the cut site.

Instead of a resume

Each type of tool for laying and cutting laminate flooring at home must meet the following criteria:

  • be sure to be in good working order;
  • be convenient to use;
  • have little weight;
  • ensure the quality of performance of the work assigned to him;
  • inexpensive.

Undoubtedly, the best tool For cutting laminate, use a jigsaw. It is universal, convenient, can cut lamellas lengthwise, crosswise and rounded, does not require special skills, is lightweight and not expensive. It is only important to choose the right file.

Follow our advice, and the chosen one cutting tool will make the process of laying laminate simple and high-quality.

The process of cutting laminated flooring, although quite simple, requires compliance with certain rules. To achieve better results, it is recommended to use a power tool with high power. A jigsaw will allow you to cut out parts of various shapes and sizes, and will also prevent the edges of the lamella from fraying.

To make the process of cutting laminate simple and the cut neat, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The lamellas should be sawed at maximum speed power tools.
  2. It is advisable to go through the laminate cutting line in one go. Stopping and slowing down can cause minor unevenness, as well as chipping and other damage to the laminate flooring.
  3. The pendulum mechanism of the jigsaw should be turned off.
  4. When cutting, you must use saw blades for laminate flooring. In the case where the required saw blades missing, you can use a file with small teeth.
  5. When choosing and purchasing a file, it is important to take into account the shape of the parts being cut. Thin files are ideal for cutting round shapes, while wide blades are great for straight lines.
  6. Reliable fastening of the panels will prevent the appearance of roughness and nicks on the cut.
  7. When arranging the teeth of a jigsaw file, the top of the lamella should be laid face down. Cutting in this way will prevent damage to the laminated layer. In the case where the teeth are located in the opposite direction, the laminate must be cut with the front part facing up.
  8. For best results, press the material along the cut line.

Fast and confident cutting of laminate will ensure the aesthetics of the finished elements, and will also reduce the processing time of the panels.

How to choose a saw blade for cutting laminated panels

Many manufacturers offer laminate files in their product range, which are made from a special bimetallic alloy. They are distinguished by small teeth and sharpness, and also have increased strength and flexibility. The most popular blades for cutting laminate with a jigsaw are blades from the Bosch and DeWALT brands. The Bosch T101B saw blade is the standard saw blade for laminated panels. It will provide excellent results when cutting both along and across the lamella.

For cutting shaped parts great solution will become a T119BO file. It is distinguished by a narrow blade and a special shape that prevents the saw blade from getting caught on bends. If you don’t have the necessary sawing blade at hand, the best solution is to use narrow models for metal with fine teeth.

When choosing a file, it is important to consider the type of shank, which must match clamping device the power tool used.

A jigsaw will help you cut out various shaped elements and provide an even cut without chips on the laminated layer. Working with the tool is quite simple, thanks to which even a novice master can cope with the task. The use of special files will make the process of cutting laminate precise and convenient.